Marketing agreement & Personal Information Form

Once you've completed your research and have decided La Jolie Ronde is the right opportunity for you, the next step is to sign a marketing agreement.

The marketing agreement is signed electronically and we'll send you a link when you're ready to do this, but here's what you're signing up to.

Marketing Agreement

Once you've signed your agreement, we'll ask you to complete these two forms - which will be required to process your application.

Personal Information Form

Education and Work History Form

Licensee Application Guidance Notes

All about our programmes

Here you'll find a summary of each programme and extracts from the teacher's notes and pupil activity books

French Programmes

Spanish Programmes

To listen to sample tracks, please create an account on our media player, where you can listen to the first three tracks of each of our programmes

Visit Media Player

Research documents

These Microsoft Word documents will help you to research the opportunities in your area for La Jolie Ronde language classes

Researching my Area

Researching my Competition

Business Essentials

Once you've completed each of the above documents, please email it back to us.

Please find below cash flow calculators which will help you to work out your projected earnings.

Cash Flow Calculator - £

Cash Flow Calculator - €