As part of our safer recruitment processes, we will contact your most recent employer(s) or educational establishment(s) to confirm dates and suitability for working with children. We do not request character references.
Have you spent any time in full or part time higher education since the age of 18 (for example, College or University)? *

Education History

Please add any time spent in full or part time higher education since the age of 18, beginning with the most recent *
College / University Full Address Course / Qualification Start date Finish date
Have you been in any full or part time paid employment since the age of 18? *
Please provide your work history since the age of 18, starting with the most recent *
Name of employer Address of employer Job Title Start date Finish date Reason for leaving
Have you spent any time out of education or paid employment since the age of 18? For example - voluntary work, travelling, maternity / paternity, looking after dependants, unemployed.
Please provide details of your time out of paid employment or education, starting with the most recent *
Description of time out of employment or education Start date End date